Thursday, March 25, 2010

Calling All (female) Runners...

If you are a woman and you love to run, you have to head over to Running Diva Mom's Blog this instant for a chance to win everything in this picture! That's a lot of awesome stuff! While you're there, check out the rest of her blog too. She's a great running inspiration and does lots of really good product reviews. Good luck!


Running Diva Mom said...

WOW -- I'm touched. Thanks so incredibly much!!!!

erica said...

Thanks so much for the running help!! Just beginning is difficult for me because I honestly loathe running. But everyone says running or swimming will get me in shape the quickest, and since I can't swim and dislike water looks like I have to suck it up and teach myself to run and breathe properly. Instead of breathing like a fat kid with asthma running. I appreciate all your help!
